Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How can we invlove D.A.N to help the people of the Earth after the change

Hi everyone,

My wife and I watched the movie "Home" last night that is also freely available on youtube.

Please take the time to watch it or some part of it. It is a very serious movie and we are all part of it. Based on thsi movie unless something dramatic happens to human consciousness soon the world will not be the same. D.A.N philosophy and approach can be very helpful to the new world situation (no one knows what and how it will happen, but after you watch the movie you will see that it is likely that it will). The way it will be so helpful is that after the initial changes kindness and helping others will be as valued as Gold

I propose that D.A.N memebrs wtach this movie, support it, pass it along and communicate in the newly built chapters (starting with current ones) about ways to be helpful through kindness.

Let us have official opening in all the current chapters of D.A.N followed by discussions

The Earth will survive no matter what but D.A.N will survive only if the young members will feel passionate about the idea and implement it. Comment if you feel it is right for you.

Love to all of you,


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